Who We Are

About EOS

Who We Are

The European Orthodontic Society is a not for profit association, registered as a charity.

Our key aims are to advance all aspects of orthodontics and its relations with the collateral arts and sciences for the public benefit, and seek the furtherance of orthodontics amongst all branches of the dental profession working in private practice, hospitals and universities throughout Europe.

The aims of the society are listed in the articles of association, available here.

The Society is affiliated to the World Federation of Orthodontists and has close co-operation with the European Federation of Orthodontic Specialists Association.

We offer a wide number of benefits to members. These benefits include subscription to the EJO, ability to participate in the EBO examinations as well as discounted event and annual congress subscription.

As a charitable organisation, we are not in a position to issue political statements and / or comment on political events in Europe or elsewhere.

Our History

16th May 1907

Foundation of the European Orthodontic Society by 10 Charter members

27th September 1907

The first meeting of the Society in Berlin at the Grand Hotel de Russie

President: Dr W G Law

The constitution of the Society was agreed
Dr E H Angle was elected an Honorary Member

1914 – 1919

World War I: No meetings


Co-operation in the Second International Orthodontic Congress

1939 – 1946

World War II: No meetings


The 28th Congress of the Society

President: Dr J A C Duyzings

Special event: a regatta was held and a model of a Dutch windmill was presented to the winners from Belgium.


The Dutch Society for the Study of Orthodontics gave to the EOS a magnificent silver model of a windmill, which was to be presented each year to the winner of the Silver Mill competition.

The Silver Mill competition

A light-hearted competition with a national flavour which is not too serious but is judged fairly.

It is a sport or a game for teams of the different countries represented at the annual congress.

The secret is only displayed just before the competition starts, it is a surprise.

Each winner is presented with a certificate with the outline in silver of the Silver Mill
The original Silver Mill resides permanently in the European Orthodontic Society’s headquarters in Hallam Street, London, and its base is inscribed with the names of the winners and the sport.


Death of Sheldon Friel, Past President and Honorary Member of the EOS.

His family gave a bequest to the Society to be used to commemorate his services to orthodontics and to the European Orthodontic Society.

Each year a lecture known as the Sheldon Friel Memorial Lecture is given by an eminent scientist to commemorate his contribution to the Society.


Co-operation in the Third International Orthodontic Congress.

Quarterly Meetings

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