Congress Lectures On Demand


Virtual Packages

Package 1 – Full Congress (21 CPDs)
Package 2 – Topic: Unfolding the 3 dimensions (7 CPDs)
Package 3 – Topic: Interdisciplinary approaches (7 CPDs)
Package 4 – Topic: Orthodontic challenges (7 CPDs)

Click on each session below to view the presentations included.

All virtual packages also include access to over 500 e-posters, as well as the recordings of the prestigious Sheldon Friel Memorial Lecture by Professor Athanasios Athanasiou, and the Houston Oral Presentations

It is also possible to register for access to:

Postgraduate course (6 CPDs) – students only
Pre-congress course Part 1 (3 CPDs)
Pre-congress course Part 2 (3 CPDs)

Click on each course below to view more details.

If you have any queries, please contact [email protected].

WJB Houston Research Award & Sheldon Friel Lecture (1.5 Hours) - Included in Packages 1-4
Code Title and speaker
H01 Nocebo effects in adolescent orthodontic care: do parental experience and expectations shape child patient outcome 
Mette Schmidt, Lene Vase, Kasper Dahl Kristensen, Peter Bangsgaard Stoustrup
H02 Composite attachments: surface alterations and compound release during orthodontic treatment with aligners in an in-vitro model 
Anna Iliadi, Despina Koletsi, Theodore Eliades, Marc Schätzle, George Eliades
H03 Correlation of short- to long-term relapse: a 3d superimpositional analysis 2 years post-treatment 
Alexandros Papagiannis, Emma Juuri, David Rice, Demetrios Halazonetis, Iosif Sifakakis


Risk Management in Orthodontics
Athanasios Athanasiou


Unfolding the 3 dimensions, and beyond - Part 1 (2 Hours) - Included in Package 1 and 2
Code Title and speaker
KP1 Transforming Faces, Transforming Futures: The Power of AI and 3D Technologies in Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 
Florian Thieringer (Switzerland)
OP1 Three-dimensional virtual planning accuracy of orthognatic surgery in class III patients treated with orthodontic clear aligners: a controlled clinical trial 
José Augusto Miguel, Luana Amaro, Arthur Cunha, Henrique Silveira
OP2 What factors affect patient anxiety before orthognathic surgery? 
Xiu Ling Florence Kok, Fiona S Ryan, Jamie Gwilliam, Mark Sayers, Susan J Cunningham
OP3 Facial aesthetic assessment of skeletal class III patients treated with the surgery-first approach. 
Flavia Artese, Arthur Cunha, Taina Manso, Jorge Faber
OP4 Utility of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: a systematic review and meta-analysis 
Sukeshana Srivastav, Rubens Spin-Neto, Akila Aiyar, Peter Bangsgaard Stoustrup
OP5 Efficacy of maxillary protraction using skeletal anchorage – a systematic review and meta-analysis 
Sarah Joda Kathem, Thomas Klit Pedersem
OP6 What is the impact of Miniscrew‐Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE) on the midfacial soft tissues? A prospective three‐dimensional stereophotogrammetry study 
Aldin Kapetanović, Laura Krijt, Stefaan Bergé, Tong Xi
KP2 3D imaging in complex clinical problems: is it really needed?
Nikos Gkantidis (Switzerland)
Unfolding the 3 dimensions, and beyond - Part 2 (1.5 Hours) - Included in Package 1 and 2
Code Title and speaker
KP3 Orthodontics, upper airways and sleep apnoea: Linking anatomy, diagnosis and management with 3D technology.
Alexandra Papadopoulou (Switzerland)
OP7 Impact of adenotonsillectomy and rapid maxillary expansion on apnea hyponea index and minimal oxygen saturation values in a non-obese pediatric 
Carlos Flores-Mir, Guilherme A Almeida, Maria Cecilia Magalhães, David Normando, Ki Beom Kim
OP8 Posterior airway changes during and after herbst appliance treatment 
Niko Christian Bock, Gianluca Sonntag, Katharina Klaus, Sabine Ruf
OP9 Nasal volume, airflow and resistance in children with lateral crossbite, increased overjet and overbite and normal occlusion 
Wilma Valkeapää, Tiina Ikävalko, Johanna Sahlman, Timo Peltomäki
OP10 Study of the relationship between nocturnal enuresis and childhood obstructive sleep apnea 
Danica Nikolic-Jovanovic, Maria Andreu-Codina, Eduard Esteller-Moré, Marija Zivkovic
OP11 Effect of maxillary expansion on sleep, daytime sleepiness and dental arch- and palatal dimensions in children with posterior crossbite compared to controls 
Michelle Honoré, Malene Nielsen, Bettina Petersen, Liselotte Sonnesen
OP12 Effects of twin block appliance on quality of life in osa children with class ii malocclusion and mandibular retrognathia. 
Maen Zreaqat, Rozita Hassan, Sahal Alforaidi
Unfolding the 3 dimensions, and beyond - Part 3 (2 Hours) - Included in Package 1 and 2


Code Title and speaker
KP4 5D treatment of Class II malocclusion
Lorenzo Franchi (Italy)
OP13 Dento-skeletal effects of rapid maxillary expansion applied on second temporary molars versus first maxillary permanent molars: A randomized clinical trial 
Stéphane Barthelemi
OP14 The effect of tooth agenesis on the soft tissue profile of modern humans. 
Ragda Alamoudi, Georgios Kanavakis, Elias Oeschger, Demetrios Halazonetis
OP15 Soft Tissue Facial Changes in Patients 7-11 years of age having Maxillary Expansion 
Manuel Lagravere, 
OP16 Quantitative assessment of infrazygomatic crest thickness – a cone-beam computed tomography study 
Marta Gibas-Stanek, Julia Ślusarska, Michał Urzędowski, Szczepan Żabicki
OP17 Class II malocclusion correction in adults with a completely customized lingual appliance and intermaxillary elastics only: is it possible? 
Yann Janssens, Patrick Foley, Frauke Beyling, Thomas Stamm
OP18 Early interceptive orthodontic care- an epidemiological study 
Sara Waldenström, Anna Westerlund
OP19 Second molar eruption disturbances in borderline-extraction orthodontic cases, comparing extraction vs. Non-extraction treatment outcomes 
Kelly Mitchell, Thomas Patrick, Ceib Phillips, John Christensen
OP20 Assessment of wear characteristics, longevity and stiffness of essix-type retainers 
Lina Alfadil, Mangala Patel, Nikolaos Pandis, Padhraig S. Fleming
OP21 Effect of curing time on cytotoxicity of direct printed aligners 
Giorgio Iodice, Bjorn Ludwig, Elena Polishchuk, Raffaella Petruzzelli, Mauro Farella
Orthodontic challenges - Part 1 (1.5 Hours) - Included in Package 1 and 4
Code Title and speaker
KP5 Maxillary expansions – The bright and dark side of early orthodontic intervention in pediatric OSA patients
Carlos Flores-Mir (Canada)
OP23 Evaluation of primary stability in calcium chloride surface-treated mini-implants, a split mouth randomised controlled trial
Maryati Md Dasor, Suzanne Husun Reginald Iggan, Muhammad Nizam Muhammad Subra
OP24 Accuracy of guided insertion of temporary anchorage devices using two different 3d printed guide types – a prospective randomized controlled trial.
Hisham Sabbagh, Tamara Kakoschke, Alexander Keller, Lea Hoffmann, Andrea Wichelhaus
OP26 Comparison of the effects of the Quadexpander,  a purely mini-implant-borne non-surgical maxillary expander, with two different surgically assisted rapid maxillary expanders in young adults
Emre Kayalar, Oyku Dalci, Sonmez Firatli, M Ali Darendeliler, Nour Eldin Tarraf
OP27 Comparative assessment of generative artificial intelligence large language models in orthodontics: a study of chatgpt, google bard, and microsoft bing
Eleftherios Kaklamanos, Miltiadis Makrygiannakis, Kostis Giannakopoulos
 OP28 3D-CBCT experimental Method for Volumetric Quantification of External Apical Root Resorption: manual vs artificial intelligence
Paula Iber-Diaz, Teresa Baena de la Iglesia, Estrella Navarro Fraile, Juan Carlos Palma Fernández, Alejandro Iglesias Linares
 OP29 Effective communication and information retention in orthodontic patients: a randomised controlled trial
Natasha Zarb, Simon Camilleri, Sandra C Buttigieg, Liberato Camilleri
OP25 Beni Solow Award – Do we need orthodontic mini-screws for maxillary expansion in children with posterior crossbite in the early mixed dentition? Report of an RCT with 5-year follow-up
Farhan Bazargani
Orthodontic challenges - Part 2 (2 Hours) - Included in Package 1 and 4
Code Title and speaker
KP6 Bimaxillary Modification with Bone Anchored Protraction in Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate
Yijin Ren (Netherlands)
OP30 Longitudinal 3d analysis of facial soft tissue growth in infants with complete unilateral cleft lip alveolus and palate during their first year of life
Jennifer Kluge, Robin Bruggink, Nikolaos Pandis, Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman, Theodosia Bartzela
OP31 Radiographic and clinical evaluation of autogenous secondary alveolar bone graft in patients with cleft lip and palate. The effect of the dental age
Manon Weyland, Michael Schmechel, Charlotte Opitz, Theodosia Bartzela
OP32 Alveolar bone grafting in unilateral cleft lip and palate: impact of timing on palatal shape
Piotr Fudalej, Andrzej Brudnicki, Tereza Petrova, Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman, Yijin Ren
OP33 Does the timing for primary surgery (tops) for cleft palate in children influence dentofacial development? A multicenter randomized clinical trial
Ahmed ElAngbawi, Grant McIntyre, Peter Mossey, Azad Aziz, William Shaw
OP34 Three – dimensional facial morphology of different unilateral cleft subphenotypes at nine years of age
Marjolein Crins – de Koning, Robin Bruggink, Ewald Bronkhorst, Edwin Ongkosuwito
OP35 Quantitative analysis of treatment protocols for cleft patients in Europe and North America – A follow-up to the Eurocleft Project: Presurgical orthopedics, orthodontics and economic prosperity
Nikolaos Daratsianos, Juliane Hellmann, Barry Grayson, William Shaw, Andreas Jäger
KP7 Current approaches to understanding Cleft Lip/Palate: from basic science to big data
David Rice (Finland)
Orthodontic challenges - Part 3 (1.5 Hours) - Included in Package 1 and 4
Code Title and speaker
KP8 Orthodontic Re-Treatment
Mithran Goonewardene (Australia)
OP36 Stability of five different post treatment retention protocols: A RCT study
Petra Vrecenar, Diba Payandeh, Sara Waldenström, Marica Nergård, Farhan Bazargani, Anna Westerlund
OP37 Striving for Perfection: How Stable Is Orthodontic Treatment When Excellent Outcomes Are Achieved? A 9-Year
Post-Treatment Retrospective Study 
Arwa Gera, Marie Cornelis, Shadi Gera, Alona Isenshtat, Paolo Cattaneo
OP38 Impact of selective forces on clinical effectiveness/efficiency: double-blind randomized clinical trial 
Yun Chen, María Teresa Robaina Tadeo, Alexandra Dehesa Santos, Estrella Navarro Fraile, Alejandro Iglesias-Linares
OP39  Discrepancies between clincheck prediction and actual result in 1st premolar extraction cases treated with invisalign 
Maria Zyli, Vasiliki Sophocleous, Christodoulos Laspos, Nikolaos Pandis, Alexandra K. Papadopoulou
OP40 Investigating bisphenol-a (bpa) leaching in orthodontic aligner materials: assessing cytotoxicity and estrogenicity effects 
Amy Lee, Elizabeth Kelly, Mehmet Ali Darendeliler, Narayan Gandedkar, Oyku Dalci
Interdisciplinary approaches - Part 1 - (1.5 Hours) - Included in Package 1 and 3
Code Title and speaker
KP9 “When I smile I cover my teeth with my hand” – the impact of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment on young people
Philip Benson (United Kingdom)
OP41 Smile shape and self-perceived smile attractiveness 
Gabriella Coppola, Nikolaos Gkantidis, Carlalberta Verna, Demetrios Halazonetis, Georgios Kanavakis
OP42 Which factors are associated with oral health-related quality of life in adolescents with class ii malocclusion? 
Sinem İnce Bingöl, Burçak Kaya, Aslınur Mamuk
OP43 Impacts of severe malocclusion and its correction on speech of dentofacial disharmony patients 
Laura Jacox, Erika Rezende Silva, Timothy Turvey, David Zajac, Jeff Mielke
OP44 Orafacial function in children and adolescents with large horizontal maxillary overjet – a case-control study 
Camilla Hansen, Merete Bakke, Liselotte Sonnesen
KP10 Strategies for interdisciplinary orthodontic cases
Abbas Zaher (Egypt)

Interdisciplinary approaches - Part 2 - (1 Hour) - Included in Package 1 and 3
Code Title and speaker
OP45 The effectiveness of Bio-Min™ toothpaste in the management of white spot lesions: a randomised clinical control trial 
Aoife Keogh, Ama Johal
OP46 Effectiveness of MI Paste Plus® and Remin Pro® on remineralization of post orthodontic white spot lesions: A randomized controlled trial 
Sevgi Gol Peynirci, Asli Baysal
OP47 Salivary pH Changes and Biofilm Formation During Active Orthodontic Treatment with Clear Aligners and Fixed Appliances 
Yousef Y.M. ABU EBAID, Yasemin Bahar Acar
OP49 Effect of a plaque-identifying toothpaste on plaque amount in 12-16-year-olds with fixed orthodontic appliances: a randomized controlled, double-blind, clinical trial
Sebastiaan Van Doornik, Lisa van Kammen, Yijin Ren, David Manton, Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman
KP11 Timing of soft tissue augmentation in orthodontic patients. Before or after treatment?
Dimitris Kloukos (Greece)
Interdisciplinary approaches - Part 3 - (1.5 Hours) - Included in Package 1 and 3
Code Title and speaker
OP50 Study on the impact of maxillary and mandibular anterior crowding on periodontal health in middle-aged and older adults.
Junichi Watahiki, Satomi Naito, Hiroshi Ueno, Akihiro Wada, Suguru Goto
OP51 Incidence of gingival recessions in orthodontic patients, treated with fixed appliances and lingual fixed retainer
Beatriz Celis, Javier Sanz, Concepcion Martín Alvaro
OP52 A cross sectional evaluation of the association between orthodontic treatment, retention modality and the prevalence of gingival recession.
Niki Loukogiorgaki, Elena Kyriakou, Panagiotis Theodorelos, Christos Katsaros, Dimitrios Kloukos
OP53 Is combining orthodontic and periodontal treatment for patients with severe (stage iv) periodontitis associated with any added benefits?
Spyridon Papageorgiou, Georgios Antonoglou, Theodore Eliades, Conchita Martin, Mariano Sanz
OP54 Risk of alveolar bone loss during orthodontic treatment of lower anterior teeth
– a prospective cbct study on predisposing factors
Eglė Zasčiurinskienė, Camilla Lennholm, Anna Westerlund, Henrik Lund
OP55 Long-term impact of orthodontic treatment on gingival recession in adults with compromised anterior teeth: a retrospective study
Ghazal Hasanzadah, Burcu Aydin, Reinder Kuitert
OP56 Orthodontic tooth movement through regenerative sites: a 25-year systematic review
Yehuda Klein, Michal Gan, David Polak, Avi Leibovich, Stella Chaushu
KP12 Orthodontics and Periodontology: Two disciplines, one goal!
James Deschner (Germany)
Interdisciplinary approaches - Part 4 - (1 Hour) - Included in Package 1 and 3
Code Title and speaker
OP57 Do we need to sandblast or just pumice the enamel surface before bonding our lower retainers? A single-operator 2-arm 18-month 88-patient randomized controlled trial.
Estelle Phonchareun, Quentin Kamm, Matthieu Esquenet, François Séverac, Yves Bolender
OP58 Effectiveness of technology enhanced learning in orthodontic teaching
Mohammed Shaath 
OP59 Clinical Implication of Spheno-Occipital Synchondrosis Fusion 
Seung-hak Baek, 
OP60 Palatal rugae change shape following orthodontic treatment 
Miltiadis Makrygiannakis, Dimitrios Konstantonis, Heleni Vastardis, Athanasios E. Athanasiou, Demetrios J. Halazonetis
OP61 Application of orthodontic force on autotransplanted teeth 
Emma Declerck 
OP62 Immune response to multibracket appliance treatment. Is it a matter of metal ion release concentration or sensitization? A pilot study. 
Nusha Paschaei, Wolf-Dieter Müller, Nikolaos Pandis, Theodosia Bartzela
Pre-congress course Part 1 (3 Hours)

Topic: CBCT Volume Processing: Analysis, Diagnostic quality, Challenges

Speaker: Christos Angelopoulos (Greece)

To facilitate and familiarize the participants with navigation though the various anatomical structures of the maxilla-facial region

To widen the participants views of CBCT applications with focus on orthodontic diagnostic applications

Learning outcomes:
The participants will be able to understand the parameters affecting CBCT image quality and how to improve it

The participants will be familiarized with important anatomical structures of the maxilla-facial region relevant to Orthodontics

The participants will be exposed to various volume processing techniques in order to augment the expected diagnostic yield of a CBCT exam

Pre-congress course Part 2 (3 Hours)

Topic: Non-surgical facial rebuilding via total arch movement and MARPE

Speaker: Kee-Joon Lee (South Korea)

To explain the determinants of the soft tissue changes in the lower face

To explain the possibility of the total arch movement

To explain the possibility of the orthopedic expansion and transverse correction in adults

Learning outcomes:
The participants are able to conduct the clinical maneuver for critical decision making

The participants understand the miniscrew positions for specific total arch intrusion

The participants understand the design of the MARPE and how to activate for maximum success

Postgraduate course (5 hours)

Topic: Biomechanics in everyday orthodontics

Speakers: Stefano Troiani (Denmark) (via Zoom), Demetrios Halazonetis (Greece) 

Learning Objectives:

  • To be able to identify problems in finishing in different areas, from function to extra-oral to intra-oral
  • To be able to understand the mechanics of fixed appliance
  • To be able to understand how variations in fixed appliance reflect in occlusal results
  • To be able to modify finishing according to different treatment objectives
  • To be able to understand strengths and weaknesses of fixed appliance and aligners in finishing
  • To have a checklist for perfect finishing