European Journal of Orthodontics
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The European Journal of Orthodontics is one of the leading periodicals in its field.
It provides a forum for orthodontists in Europe where many developments are taking place, but also accepts papers from all parts of the world.
Clinical papers cover all techniques as well as different approaches to treatment planning.
Research papers are of direct relevance to the clinician and extend the scientific basis of orthodontics.
Each year the Society published its Transactions which contained a report of the various papers that had been given at the annual congress.
The Society decided to publish its own journal and in 1979 and the European Journal of Orthodontics became the official journal of the Society. It has since become a journal of international repute and contains refereed scientific papers.
All papers submitted for publication in the European Journal of Orthodontics are subject to refereeing and are written in English and prepared in accordance with the instructions to authors (
The EJO is covered by these major indexing services
- Science Citation Index
- Current Contents: Clinical Medicine
- Medline (Index Medicus)
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European Journal of Orthodontics
Department of Orthodontics
Institute of Dentistry
PO Box 41 (Mannerheimintie 172)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
Email: [email protected]
Associate Editors
- Professor Dirk Bister
- Lorenzo Franchi
- Professor Yijin Ren
Editorial Board
- Seung-Hak Baek
- Lars Bondemark
- M Ali Darendeliler
- Dr Selma Elekdağ-Türk
- Dr Piotr Fudalej
- Dr Demetrios J.Halazonetis
- Professor Liselotte Sonnesen
- Dr Teitur Jónsson
- Dr Agenta Linder-Aronson Karsten
- Dr Conchita Martin
- Dr Ambrosina Michelotti
- Keiji Moriyama
- Professor Pertti Pirttiniemi
- Dr Jasmina Primozic
- Dr Peter Proff
- Stephen Richmond
- Xu Tianmin
- Dr Guy Willems
- Takashi Yamashiro
Officers of the Society
- President 2025: Professor Piotr Fudalej
- President elect 2026: Dr Finn Geoghegan
- Honorary Secretary: Professor Dirk Bister
- Honorary Treasurer: Dr Aman Ulhaq
Instructions for Authors
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